Super Nikki: A Story of Kindness
2022 • 22 minutes 36 seconds • Digital • Color • Sound In January 2004 Nikki Overman, a beloved Lincoln Park Elementary School 6th grade student, passed away from surgery complications. To honor Nikki, in May 2004, a superhero mural was created with Super Nikki in the center standing proud surrounded by her favorite superheroes. Years later, the Lincoln Park Elementary School property was sold. In May 2022, a new mural and film project was created to honor Nikki. Super Nikki: A Story of Kindness, a short film documentary, explores the strong connection Nikki had with those around her and the lasting impact Nikki left behind. The full 18 year Nikki Overman story is told by her friends, teachers, and those that worked on the original Super Nikki mural. Super Nikki: A Story of Kindness in the news • The Reading Eagle newspaper article • Pennsylvania College of Art & Design article |